Friday, 24 November 2017

Knock at the door

A knock at the broken door
Lady dropped wheat on the floor
She runs without her sock
For her greatest fear to unlock

A man rushes to check
Who’s there at this odd hour
Silent is the city
So is the bar

A man in uniform
Acts as informant of death
All relationships transform
Leaving behind no wealth

Shoulders that carried him once
will carry his coffin
Twinkle of her eye
Will weep itself to sleep
A child will wait
For comforting arms
Empty handed
A soul will wander

Only in a religious garb
They will find peace
For they gave away a son
To save a land piece

In the distance would be a tribe
Ignorant of this fact
Plots, industries and dictatorship only
For them would be a disturbing act

The power play is at the top
Which always is a major flop
A Soldier fights for his skin n soil

Till the carriage arrives of the royal...

7 Sept 2017 12:50am

Note: This was written after interviewing people for the 6th of September story that I was doing, but I find it relevant even today because almost everyday there is a knock on some door followed by a flag draped coffin.