Friday, 16 December 2011

Time To Return

Beyond those skies You exist somewhere,
If looked within You are right there,
There is nothing to fear Oh! human,
For Him all are equal man or woman,
No matter how rich or famous one becomes,
Your blessings can never be counted in sums,
You protect us through Your angels,
Who are elegantly dressed without bangles,
Even thou we cross all limits,
Never realizing its demerits,
Our ego has grown taller than the mountains,
Your Beloved's prayers keep flowing towards us,
Like huge fountains,
May we come back on the right track,
Beg forgiveness and fulfill everything that we lack,
You will embrace us once again,
Losing this Forbidden fruit does not matter,
Heaven is all that we have to gain
(4th Dec 2011)

1 comment:

  1. Very Nice. Heaven is here in front of us, which we turned into hell
